The PCC is the executive committee of the parish responsible for financial affairs and the management of assets as well as assisting the clergy in the management of church affairs and the mission of the church.
Parochial Church Council of St Mary’s Barnard Castle with Whorlton
The purpose of our PCC is specifically to promote the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the executive committee of a Church of England parish and consists of Clergy and Churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the laity. It is a corporate charitable body.
Legally the council is responsible for the financial affairs of the parish and the maintenance of its assets. It also assists the clergy in the management of church affairs in the parish, and promoting the mission of the church. The full PCC meets between 8 and 10 times each year to deal with these matters.
The PCC is made up of Clergy (currently the Vicar and the Curate) and elected lay members. The constitution allows for the election of eight lay members in addition of up to three Deanery Representatives. Churchwardens (up to four) also automatically serve on the PCC. Under the Charities Act all members of the PCC are charity trustees.
The Chair of the PCC is the Vicar. The PCC is required to appoint a Treasurer and a Secretary (Caroline Knott). Following the resignation of our Treasurer the PCC is seeking someone who would be willing to take over this responsibility.
Elections for the PCC take place at the Annual Parish Church Meeting (APCM).
It is hoped to reduce the number of meetings of the full PCC through the introduction of Teams who will specialise and concentrate upon particular areas of church life. At our June PCC meeting we set up eleven teams covering Building and Fabric, Finance and Stewardship, Social (including fundraising), Music, Worship, Eco Church, Pastoral, Children and young people, Communications, Heritage, and Whorlton Church.
Each team has a convenor who will arrange meetings and members of the PCC have volunteered to be part of the teams. It is important to try to involve as many of our congregation in this. To this end if you are interested in being part of one of these teams please get in touch with either Alec or the PCC Secretary (Caroline Knott).
PCC Matters
At recent PCC meetings discussions have taken place on
PCC Members
Following the APCM held in April PCC membership comprises: Revd. Canon Alec Harding (chair), Revd Sarah Cliff, Joan Kemp-Ambler, Allan Jones, Roy Long, Astley Fenwick, Caroline Knott (secretary), Abi Littlefair, Frances Stenlake, Bob Ward, John White, Malcolm Makepeace, Geoff Knott, John Emerson, John Trevett and John Chadwick.
If you are interested in reading about the work of the PCC in more detail the minutes for the last year are available. You may also access minutes of the latest APCM held 26th April 2021.