Church Choir Music Sharing Project

You are welcome to download and share this music, either the whole collection, or individual pieces.

Music Sharing Project
Our church choir are a committed group of singers but inevitably can’t make every service. As we have a short rehearsal time on a Sunday morning before the service starts, we sometimes find we need something appropriate, quick and easy to sing! Inspired by that, Beverley (a member of the choir) and Annette (our Director of Music) teamed up to write 12 pieces of music that cover much of the liturgical year. The music is mostly unison or two-parts while the accompaniment is suitable for organ (with or without pedals – you can add at your discretion) or piano/keyboard. The pieces range from a simple chant to verses.

Watch the choir sing each number on YouTube:

Music Sharing Project - Complete booklet

To follow

1.Gathering - Called by a Voice

2. Advent - Come Lord Jesus

3. Christmas - Angels Sang of Peace on Earth

4. Epiphany - To our Eyes a Baby

5. Easter - Jesus is Risen

6. Ascension - Risen, Ascended, Glorified

7. Pentecost - As burning Fire

8. Trinity - Father, Creator, Sustainer

9. Harvest - Give thanks to God our Creator

10. Saints - Rejoice with the Saints

11. Baptism - Come be my Disciple

12. Eucharist - Gathered as one Body